Controls: W/A/S or ARROW KEYS


Welcome to SSStreet Fighter! The goal of this game is to dodge all your enemies' moves! doing so will grant you with style points! continuous dodges will gradually grant more style points and will be indicated by the combo meter at the bottom (with words!)

How To Play:

The enemy has 3 types of attacks, and you have 3 types of dodges! (S/A/W).

Each dodge is unique to each attack, and successfully dodging attacks give you style!

Style fills the bar at the bottom, and the more attacks you dodge in a row, the higher combo you get

The combo is indicated by the words at the bottom, and higher the combo, more the number of style points per dodge

Your combo downgrades when you get hit, and you lose more style points if you had a high combo when you got hit

Fill the bar below to win! Goodluck!

We hope you have fun SSStreet fighting! there's a speedrun timer as well if you are into that, do send your highest times!


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its GUUUUD, i had a ton of fun ngl, its pretty cool however it is a little hard to dodge but other than that its just awesome, i like it



Addictive kinda game

Lmaoo thanks! Although it's very short

(1 edit)

Doesn't depend on length of the game, the game shld be interesting r8, ur game gives the feel and the vibe